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Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.

- Zora Neale Hurston

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

- Carl Sagan

Purposeful inquiry can yield amazing discoveries. Yet, if nothing is done with those discoveries and resulting knowledge, what's the point?

I am a firm believer that dissemination should exist as a key practice in any research field. Not all researchers need be engaged in significant dissemination efforts, but the health and impact of a field requires that some do. Dissemination can occur in numerous ways. Working with news and media outlets. Consulting with stakeholders in one's area. Creating products that reach and impact society. Etc. Etc. Regardless of method, the goal is the same: package research knowledge in digestible ways so that others are better positioned to use, shape, and extend it. It is with that goal that I'm starting Study Guides.

In Study Guides, I first start with providing summarized versions of my research team's published works. With each, I focus on key takeaways, ideas, and implications. With each, I hope the provided information will make the works more accessible to those interested. As time passes, I will look to add other features. These might include construct definitions and classroom task descriptions. Ultimately, they'll include whatever addresses emergent needs and content foci dictated by the work. On that note, do not hesitate to send me a suggested topic, article, construct, or task. But for now, let's go study!


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